Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why am I Laughing?

These incidents might not seem funny...or they shouldn't, but I can't help from laughing about them.

On Thursday I jogged over to the park with the girls in the stroller. On the way back Lauryn wanted to strap herself in. She loves buckles and is usually pretty good at snapping them together so I assumed she was adequately strapped in the stroller. I was in a zone, lost in thought, not listening to the whining of my children. The next thing I know I've run flat over Laruyn. It reminded me of all the times Taylor has dropped a toy (usually a baby doll) while I'm running and I jut run right over it. It took my brain a few seconds to register what had happened. Lauryn was a little shaken; she had a raspberry on her side, a tire mark on her shirt and was rubbing her head where it had probably hit the sidewalk. I didn't laugh at the time of course but now it just strikes me funny. I was on a very busy street and I wonder who witnessed this slapstick event.

Yesterday the girls were eating lunch outside. The chickens were roaming the yard and I was upstairs getting dressed for a run to Taylor's preschool. Taylor comes in with panic in her voice, "Mom, come quick! The chickens are on the table!" I got the chickens off the table and decided it was time to put them away and went to get some feed to lure them back into their coop. While I was in the tool shed I hear Lauryn scream. I look to see a chicken on the table right in Lauryn's face. Lauryn is clutching her sandwich and apple to her chest and yelling for help. Taylor came to her rescue but was a bit too late. I didn't realize it until the chickens were locked up again, but the hen had pecked Lauryn on the cheek and drew blood. The chicken must have been after the peanut butter that was all over Laruyn's face. No more free-roaming chickens while we're eating.


Travelin' Tracy said...

Poor Lauryn...she just seems to get picked on. I think the first story was very funny. I would have laughed if I was there. As for the chickens..that scares me. I don't know why, but a chicken pecking a child's face? She is going to grow up to be tough like her parents!

Lindsay said...

Traumatic! Who knew chickens would attack over peanut butter. You get the mom of the year award this week, Karen! I've gotten it myself a few times lately :)