Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Trouble with "No Naps"

Lauryn is outgrowing her naps. It's a bummer. I've tried lying down with her but I'm the one who falls asleep, and then she gets into trouble. I've tried "locking" her in her room but then she pees or poops in her underwear without fail. I've tried putting her in bed and leaving the door open (just in case she needs to use the potty) but then she does stuff like this:

"I painted my toenails!" she says, trying to convince me that she shouldn't be in trouble. Of course she also painted her legs, feet, the bathroom floor, toilet, wall, and sink.
Here was one of our last successful naps. It was on a super hot day last week. I fell asleep in her bed and this is how I found her when I woke up. Perhaps I should give up and accept the fact that naps are no more. Of course, I can replace naps with an early bed time right?

I do get frustrated with my kids at times but it doesn't last too long because they're so darn cute.

Here's one of Taylor's "school" pictures.


Lindsay said...

Oh my!
I hope all that nail polish came off. That looked like more than 1 bottle!
The idea of naps coming to an end frightens me. Luke still naps almost every day and he's almost 4! I can feel the end coming, though. It's gonna be a long day for me when that time comes. Early bedtime for momma, too!

Nikki said...

Oh, I feel for you. I have a friend struggling with same thing. I know the nail polish was a mess, but I got a good chuckle out of it. It's nice to know that my kids aren't the only ones who like to try their parent’s patience.