Friday, September 18, 2009

First Day of School

Taylor's first three days of school were outside at a nearby camp ground where they did outdoor and watershed ed.
Some new friends. The girl on the left is the only 2nd grade girl. She is the one who painted Taylor's nails on the bus while traveling to outdoor school. The girl on the right, Rose, is the only other kindergarten girl. She has a sister Lauryn's age and a mom who has a lot in common with me. Yay for new friends!

They could be related. Lauryn and Ruby, Rose's little sister, got to eat snacks, play in the dirt, and ride around in matching backpacks at outdoor school.
Junction Elementary school currently has 22 students K-8 and one teacher. Fortunately for Taylor, most of the kids are in kindergarten and first grade.


Garbett Family said...

Wow. That must be one amazing teacher! My school has over 800 students, K-6. It's a different world, isn't it? I hope she is having a great kindergarten experience!

MParrish said...

I can't believe they are at Junction! I remember when the Coles moved to the River and Adama and Mateaus were in Kindergarten (?) together!!! Wow, life really does go full circle. I remember going to outdoor camp for the first few days of the school year!