Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Better than the Sun

We lit our pellet stove for the first time yesterday and it is awesome! Taylor's favorite place to hang out was in front of the big window in our living room where the sun warmed the floor. Last night and this morning she made herself comfortable in front of the stove. She says it's better than the sun.


Cami said...

Hi karen! Your house and yard look so great! How fun for you guys to have your own place. And congrats to Peter on passing the bar. They announced that in our sacrament meeting on Sunday. We miss you guys but it looks like you are doing great.

bob said...

Hi Karen - I love the new pictures of the girls - they are so cute! Say Hi to them for me. I have a box of books for them, if they would like some or all of them. Maybe we can get together next week to get you the roasting pan, tablecloths, and whatever else you might need for Christmas. I'll be in LA next weekend but Friday or during the week might work. Let me know your schedule - Jeanne