Monday, December 1, 2008

Morning Routine

Lauryn used to come into our room as soon as she woke up in the morning. Now, she gets a book and reads it in her bed. I prefer this new morning routine; it's so cute.


Lindsay said...

Precious! I love that she has her doll in bed with her. How long has she been sleeping in a big bed?

Joe and Amy said...

She is growing up so much! She was a baby the last time I saw you, she's a little girl now. It sounds like things are going great. We need to make it down there to see you. You're really not that far away...why does it feel like it though?

I went running for the first time today since giving birth to Isaac 6 weeks ago. When I read about you running around the lake on weekends, I thought, I wonder how long it will take me to get to the point where I could keep up with Karen??? I think the answer is never, you would just have to do a "charity" run and go slow for me. I miss those early Saturday runs so much! So much! You were therapy for me.

amy said...

Hi Karen!

I am Peter's friend Ryan Lee's wife :)

We live in Utah, so I can't be your running partner, unfortunately (actually, I doubt I could be anyone's running partner; I've never really advanced to running from trotting.)

I added your blog to the list of blogs I follow because Ryan has always spoken so highly of both of you that I feel like we are already friends. So many of my friends are long-distance these days anyway, and reading their blogs is the best way I have come up with to stay in touch. Since I know Ryan is less likely to follow his friends' blogs than I am to follow mine, I am hoping to help him stay up to date with you guys!

Thanks for saying hi (and investigating potential blog-stalkers). I hope next time you're in Utah or we're in the bay area we can all get together.

Congrats on your beautiful house!