Thursday, January 15, 2009

Going Green

I've often fantasized about riding my bike to the grocery store with kids in tow and I finally did it today. First we went to the park and on the way home we stopped by Safeway to do a little shopping. I had to lock my bike and stroller to a table in front of the store since they didn't have any other place for bikes. Pulling the kids and groceries (including two gallons of milk) wasn't that difficult except for getting going again after stopping at the red lights. I'm sure I supplied some comic relief to the onlookers in their cars.


Travelin' Tracy said...

That's awesome...I would like do that one day too. Actually, since Joe and I have moved back to the states we only have one car. So some days he will be riding his bike. So that's a start, right?

Garbett Family said...

Way to go Karen! What a good idea! We used to walk, but now the nearest grocery store is 20 miles away. I don't know if I'm ready to brave it on the freeway... :) You are so impressive!

Lindsay said...

Gosh, that's A LOT of cereal!

Joe and Amy said...

That's funny Karen, you are way too ambitious, but good for you!