Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another Napping Moment

Lauryn showed no interest in napping today and I didn't fight it. In fact I was looking forward to an early bed time. Around 4:30 I realized Lauryn was being really quiet. I was sure she had fallen asleep somewhere but it took me a while to find her. She made herself a "bed" in her closet. She looks cozy but how comfortable can a wood floor really be?
I love the doll blanket pulled over her.
Side note: Apparently she was not very comfortable because she slept for only a half hour. When she got up I noticed that she was sleeping on all kinds of hard objects: books, plastic toys, and a jewelery box and its scattered contents. She was grumpy until bedtime.

1 comment:

JillandMauricio said...

Haha-that is totally how Afton naps. They had such a long week this week, but both actually napped on me when we got home. For some reason they couldn't do it in their bed!!