Monday, October 5, 2009

Got (Goat's) Milk?

Taylor's school has been doing a unit on farms and has taken a fieldtrip every week to a new farm. Peter and I have chaperoned the last two and it has been neat to see other farms in the area. Today we got to feed, and pet goats. Then we got to taste fresh goat's milk and make goat cheese. A lot of the kids liked the milk. I watched Taylor's face to see if she'd like it too. After a sip her face got really concerned as if to say, "Do I have to drink all of this?" She then offered me the cup and I knew she didn't care for it. (I was glad she didn't gag or spit it out or say something rude.) Lauryn and I had a taste. I agreed with Taylor but Lauryn loved it. "Dis is willwe yummy!" she exclaimed and then she downed it, barely coming up for air. I asked Peter if she'd eaten lunch because she seemed so ravenous about the milk. She had. She wasn't so crazy about the cheese however. It came right back out of her mouth and I had to take her outside before she spit it on the floor.

1 comment:

MParrish said...

where did you see the goats? my parents had goats when we were little. i always disliked goats milk/cheese and my parents tried to hide it in so many foods!!! i always could tell though....