Friday, October 9, 2009

Tay: My Nickname Delima

Everybody at Taylor's school, including her teachers, call her Tay. I'm not sure why it bothers me. Maybe it's because a second grade student started it; it would be different if it were a nickname that we started at home. I can't figure out if it bothers Taylor or not. I'll ask her about it and one day she says she likes it and another day she says she doesn't. I realize that if I don't say something to stop it, she will be Tay for at least the rest of her education in this area, which may last through high school. Neither Peter nor I had nicknames so this is unfamiliar territory. Any suggestions or insights?


Donna said...

Hi Kay and Pete:
Good luck on the name deal... Just casually mention to the teach you don't care for the name Tay... In our case we have Benjamin--and I refuse to have him called Ben or Benjy. I very nicely stop anyone who tries to nickname him. Then we have Samuel--and I call him Sam. Go figure.

Lindsay said...

Hey Karen,
One of the caretakers at the gym would always call Luke "Lucas," and I never corrected her! I felt like such an idiot, because that's not even his name and I didn't speak up. Luckily, she ended up quitting so it's not an issue any more, but I'm not going to let that happen again. So, long story short, I think if you or her don't like it, then you should stop it sooner than later! Good luck!

Nikki said...

Hi Karen, a kid at Annette's preschool was called Nuni and then after two years he decided to go by his given name Johnathon. The kids didn't even skip a beat. If Taylor doesn't mind, I wouldn't worry about it, she is still really young. PS we miss you guys down here.

Jen Heward said...

I remember in kindergarten my teacher asked if I wanted to be called Jennifer or Jenny. I am not sure why but I said Jenny. So that is what I was for many years. I really wish I had said Jennifer because I didn't like it but didn't know how to change it until I was older. To this day I hate being called Jenny. When we had Jacob my brother in law would pronounce it with a Spanish accent. I didn't mind that too much but his 3 year old son couldn't say it like his dad so it came out Baco. Then that is what everyone started calling him. I hated it. The family found out that I didn't like the name and have since stopped calling him that but they gave me a real hard time about it. Then when I was going to have Evelyn they asked if I was going to shorten her name at all. I said (without thinking again) that I would probably do Evie with a long E at the beginning. Once she was born that didn't fit her and I liked it with a short E at the beginning. So they all started calling her Evie with a long E. I felt so stupid at that point to now tell them they couldn't call my son Baco and they can't call my daughter Evie with a long E that I just let it go. Because of that I just call her by her full name Evelyn and it actually suits her better. Sorry for the long story but I understand about others giving your kids nicknames. You named the child in the first place so you should be able to decide on the nickname.

JillandMauricio said...

I had to correct the nursery leader on spelling Isabel's name the other day. She kept spelling is Isabelle. Which is funny because when we moved in she wrote it on the roll and we told her how to spell it. I felt a like it was dumb, but I figured if I never did it-she would keep spelling it that way. If you don't want her stuck with that name, politely talk with the teacher.